Peer review and associated learning in our coherent quality system

Work-shop. Photo: Lena Atterwall
A have previously written about the decision to implement a coherent quality system for Karolinska Institutet. Maintaining and developing quality in operations are continuous and long-term efforts. KI’s new coherent quality system is to be viewed as the start of a sustainable systematic development of quality in all of KI’s operations. One important aspect that is not well developed was models for peer review and associated learning. I was very happy to learn that the Board of Higher Education is organizing workshops including representatives responsible for first-cycle education from departments (so called GUAs) and representatives from our study programme committees (programme directors) for peer review and associated learning of quality plans for first- and second-cycle education. I was very happy to be asked to start up the second of these work shops.
Senior colleagues as role models and mentors for younger colleagues for continued learning
Last week we had the yearly Emeriti dinner. We then honor those who have contributed to make Karolinska Institutet to what it is today, an internationally leading medical university. Senior academics and emeriti represent an extensive knowledge and experience resource not least to younger colleagues and we really welcome your continued contribution to our university into the future. Senior academics are very important as role models and mentors not least for younger colleagues. Nowadays, reaching the formal retirement age for professors at Karolinska Institutet is often a passage to the next stage and many will continue as senior professors. The position as senior professor was introduced at Karolinska Institutet in 2012 and today we have around 100 individuals employed as senior professors, ranging from a few per cent employment to full time employment. I have asked our HR Director , together with the chairperson of the Recruitment Committee review the position as senior professor to make sure we have a common view within the university and a clear purpose and scope. It is very natural to make such a review a few years after something new is introduced.