Ahmadreza Djalali: A plea for justice

Svensk version nedan

Today – August 2 2019 – I received an ominous piece of information from Austria indicating that the execution of Ahmadreza Djalali is impending. According to TT/Aftonbladet the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs has promised to get in touch with Iranian authorities without undue delay.  I trust they will deliver on their promise.

All nations and diplomatic channels should now be called upon to engage in a plea for justice. There is hardly any doubt that Ahmadreza Djalai was sentenced to death on fabricated claims and that he was denied proper access to legal counsel and due process.

The backdrop: About three years ago – on April 26, 2016 – KI alumnus and researcher Ahmadreza Djalali was arrested in Iran, accused of espionage and “enmity with God”.  About a year later, October 21, 2017, he was sentenced to death in a trial that will go into the history as a legal scandal. He was convicted for “spreading corruption on earth” and it was claimed that Djalali had had a deal with the Israeli regime.

As I wrote in an earlier blog we are witnesses to one of the most serious offences ever committed against a researcher in modern times. Ahmadreza Djalali has endured more than three years in utmost uncertainty in the Evin prison in Tehran, with limited contacts with the outside world. His health has deteriorated in his harsh prison environment.

The support for Ahmadreza Djalali has increased in strength over time. There has been engagement on the part of Nobel laureates, Amnesty International, individual politicians, academics, the European Parliament. This list could be made much longer.

Djalali was arrested while on a lecture tour in Iran on disaster medicine. Yet he is now imprisoned and threatened with the death penalty. We are confronted with a situation that is utterly absurd.  Once more we must join forces in our demand for justice and freedom for Ahmadreza Djalali.


Ahmadreza Djalali: En vädjan om rättvisa

Den 2 augusti 2019 fick jag oroande information om att KI-alumnen och forskaren Ahmedreza Djalalis avrättning kan vara nära förestående. Enligt TT/Aftonbladet ska svenska UD lovat att omedelbart ta kontakt med iranska myndigheter. Jag litar på att så sker.

Djalali sitter fängslad i Iran sedan mer än tre år och vi är många som engagerat oss i hans fall. Det råder knappast någon tvekan om att han sitter fängslad och blivit dömd på falska grunder och utan grundläggande rättssäkerhet.

Läs mer om Ahmadreza Djalali i tidigare inlägg här på bloggen, där det också finns beskrivningar om bakgrunden till hans fängslande och mer information om vad omvärlden gör för att kräva hans omedelbara frisläppande.


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