Important dialogue with colleagues and students

University Director Per Bengtsson and myself in Erling Persson-salen at one of four information meetings for students and staff.

University Director Per Bengtsson and myself in Erling Persson-salen at one of four information meetings for students and staff.

During the latter part of this week I participated in a number of information meetings in relation to the crisis that has, among other things, led to the resignation of the Vice-Chancellor, Anders Hamsten. For me, this was a valuable opportunity to meet colleagues and students. Our dialog and your questions, opinions and reflections are critically important for my ability to lead KI forward.

I have not been able to answer all the questions posed. This is partly because I have limited knowledge about the Macchiarini affair. The issue is complex and stretches several years back in time. In part it is also due to the fact that many questions still await an answer.

Many wonder how KI could end up in the present situation. I also ask myself this question. At present there are twelve on-going investigations that will provide answers to at least some of the questions that have been raised. The investigations should also give advice how we can act to minimize similar events in the future. However, even if we improve rules, controls and support the most important thing will still be how we as individuals act. Undesired events will always occur in a large organisation like KI. The important thing is that we act rapidly and strongly in such situations.

Some believe that KI’s leadership has not distanced itself sufficiently from the events that have occurred. The reaction of the KI leadership could have been stronger. The events that were unveiled by the SVT documentary appear to be highly unethical and unacceptable. Both the previous and present leadership position themselves clearly against the happenings that were described. I recommend all of you to read Anders Hamsten’s self-critical article in Dagens Nyheter.

At the meetings, questions were raised about the future of Jan Carlstedt-Duke, Senior Adviser Rectorate (rektorsråd) under Anders Hamsten. Carlstedt-Duke tendered his resignation as “rektorsråd” on Monday this week and will be given new work tasks. This news was not spread internally since his future work tasks have not yet been decided. Instead, the news was spread first by the media after the first information meeting. The media presentation indicated that the he had been dismissed but this is not the case. It is however true, that there will not be a ”rektorsråd” position during my time as acting Vice-Chancellor.

My most important task now is to take the steps needed to re-establish trust  in our university and to achieve this I need help from you all. I want to know what you think and I want you to challenge and question my ideas. I welcome your feed-back.



  1. Jakob Rose says:

    Hej Karin!

    Tack återigen för ett klargörande svar. Jan Carlstedt-Duke kommer alltså att få nya arbetsuppgifter. Jag har dock svårt att förstå varför en person som i så hög utsträckning bidragit till en av KIs värsta skandaler ska belönas med nya arbetsuppgifter. För att citera dig från ett tidigare inlägg:

    “Inga regler eller kontroller kan kompensera för det faktum att i slutändan är det viktiga hur vi som individer agerar. Det handlar, som du [Ulf Arborelius] så klokt påpekar, om omdöme, moral och vaksamhet.”

    Detta påstående faller ganska platt om den enda konsekvensen av bristande omdöme, moral och vaksamhet är att man får nya arbetsuppgifter.


  2. Jakob Rose says:

    Hej igen,

    Tack för ditt svar! Jag förstår att du alltså inte har någon åsikt om Carlstedt-Dukes lämplighet som mentor.

    Men jag frågade också om du har förtroende för honom som person. Du skriver här ovanför att han inte blivit avskedad (dismissed) från tjänsten som rektorsråd utan istället ska få nya arbetsuppgifter. Betyder det alltså att du har förtroende för honom trots att han var en av dem som friade Macchiarini från anklagelserna om oredlighet i forskning?


    1. Karin Dahlman-Wright says:

      Hej Jakob!
      Jan Carlstedt-Duke kommer nu, i samråd med närmaste chef, att få nya arbetsuppgifter som ej innefattar ärenden om oredlighet i forskning. Utgångspunkten måste vara att dessa kommer att utföras på ett för KI professionellt sätt.

  3. Jakob Rose says:

    Jag undrar om du fortfarande har förtroende för Jan Carlstedt-Duke? Och jag undrar hur du motiverar det förtroendet med tanke på hans agerande i Macchiarini-affären?

    I den här videon berättar du att Carlstedt-Duke betytt mycket för dig i din forskarkarriär, men tycker du fortfarande att han är en lämplig mentor?

    Jakob Rose, läkarstudent KI

    1. Karin Dahlman-Wright says:

      Hej Jacob,
      Jag konstaterar i denna video att en av mina handledare var Jan Carlstedt-Duke och att jag träffade honom något oftare än en eller några gånger per månad och att han var väldigt intresserad av mitt projekt, utan att gå in på hans lämplighet som mentor. Jag har ingen erfarenhet av Jan CD som mentor efter 1991 och kan omöjligt ha någon åsikt om hans nuvarande lämplighet som mentor.

  4. There are many more versions of Macchirini in KI. An organisation wide review as well as feedback from former students and staff including current ones need to be taken into account constructively to remedy the irregularities rampant to upheld the sancity of science and society. There need to be transparency and accountability as well as consequences for those who defy norms and ethical practices in name of science and healthcare.

  5. Link says:

    Link to above mentioned article by former Vice-Chancellor Hamsten:

    1. Anders Ölund says:

      From this article it looks as the reason for his retirement is external pressure! Quote: “The chorus of voices raised to demand my resignation is so multifarious and strident that I realise it will be difficult for me to continue working as Vice Chancellor of Sweden’s most successful university with credibility and effectiveness. That is why I am resigning from my position.” It is strange that he himself did not realize that he should go!

      Anders Ölund
      Docent KI

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